The rays of sunshine are becoming scarcer, the arrival of the Grinch is imminent, and ice cubes are preparing to cling to our moustaches! Yes, winter is back, and as expected, this time of the year brings its share of changes and adaptations.
Every year, we witness some crazy spectacles, put on by a handful of particularly creative users! Despite a majority of good winter driving habits, these few misbehaviour not only make things harder for our fleet team, but also cause trouble for the carsharing community.
To eliminate harmful behaviours this winter, it’s in everyone’s best interest to review these tips.
The 5 principles to avoid winter pitfalls
1.The good reFLEX
Unsurprisingly, this winter, and during all seasons, it is prohibited to park in towing zones, delivery zones, snow clearing areas, or even alleys. Not only do you risk getting a fine that will freeze your blood, but you also put yourself at risk of getting stuck in an unplowed alley. Above all, pay close attention to temporary snow clearing signs. Unsure about parking rules? Follow the guide!
2. Shovelling, sweating, snow clearing… it’s better than the gym!
In most cases, our stations are plowed by parking lot managers or contractors. However, you may encounter a snowbank, so it is each person’s responsibility to lend a hand with the shovel. Besides helping the next user, you get your cardio done for the day! Also, during weather disruptions, stay alert for targeted free offers; you help clear and move a car, and in return, you enjoy a free ride.

For FLEX vehicles, which are generally used for short trips, we offer a 15-minute credit to allow you time to shovel and/or clear snow. This means you won’t start paying until you begin driving or 15 minutes after you access the vehicle, whichever comes first. Learn more >
3. FLEX and round-trip stations: don’t mix up the tables this winter!
Parking rules remain the same despite the arrival of winter. In stations, instructions must be followed to avoid losing our spots. So be vigilant and check the rules in the Communauto app (consult the “Info-stations“). Additionally, it is prohibited to park a FLEX vehicle in our round-trip station spaces. FLEX vehicles must park on-street or in designated drop-off zones, respecting the assigned conditions. It’s like reserving a table at a restaurant; there’s the bar section and the family section, some tables are free, others have specific hours and/or locations. Avoid that heart-stopping moment when you see a ticket on your windshield—follow the instructions carefully. Refer to the parking guide here.
4. Accessories are your sedentary allies!
Shovels and snow brushes are accessories that prefer a sedentary lifestyle, and don’t take kindly to being moved from car to car. Our fleet teams supply our vehicles with these necessary tools to help you apply rule number 2. It goes without saying that these accessories remain in their designated vehicles. For everyone’s benefit, store them in the trunk or on the floor. Sitting on a wet bench seat is like wearing wet socks, and that’s universally unpleasant! Last but not least, don’t hesitate to report any missing accessories via our reporting tool, available on your app.
5. Fill up the windshield washer fluid for a clear trip!
Before venturing onto winter roads, make sure to check the windshield washer fluid indicator. This step is like checking if your phone has enough battery before a long road trip to the cottage: it’s necessary to ensure a trouble-free ride.

If you run out of fluid, here’s what you need to do:
- Buy some fluid using your own payment method and submit the receipt via the app, and we’ll credit you. No need to leave empty containers in the vehicle; service stations will gladly take them off your hands.
Holiday Extra
We love the smell of a pine tree on board! However, the needles spreading throughout the vehicle are not festive! For everyone’s comfort, be mindful and clean up after transporting your tree.
Follow these principles to stay in harmony with our vehicles and the community and avoid becoming the laughingstock of the neighbourhood!
Safe travels, and drive carefully!